NozNoz Reviews
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Customers who chose NozNoz shared:
My name is Assaf Dagan, I’m 43 years old from Israel
From childhood I was overweight, and I got to a point where it affected all my metrics and it was difficult for me to perform simple actions.
I tried a lot of diets and things that did not work.
My days started in the morning with eating and continued with eating throughout the day. Bread, wafers, chocolates, snacks, pastries. And my wife is also a confectioner who bakes at home ... I reached 145 kg.
My wife saw an ad and suggested I try NozNoz. I was skeptical, I thought it was just one of those things people are trying to sell me. But I had nothing to lose. I was already on the verge of gastric bypass surgery.
I started adjusting to the product on a Thursday. It is something that is stuck in the nose and needs to get used to. Within a few days I was already feeling comfortable with the product. After a week or two the product has already become a part of me. I really did not feel it. Together with this- I wasn’t hungry, I had no sense of food. I started replacing junk food with healthy food, calamatine instead of candy, changing all habits. And the weight - I really started to lose weight.
The change I went through is unbelievable! I lost over 17.5 kg (38 pounds) in 3 months and completely change my lifestyle.
NozNoz created for me the awareness that it is possible to succeed! Made me believe it was possible! Made me believe in myself! I am in a very profound change today. From a situation where I barely walked 200m I today participate in various races and do marathons. I became an active person. The change is clearly seen in the end!
This product works in the end, and for me it worked completely.

Assaf Dagan
I lost over 17.5kg (38 pounds) in 3 months and started to believe in myself
bottom line: I lose weight!! easily!
I’m using noznoz during my meals, and particularly I use it during every large meal. I still don't use it all the time because it still causes me a bit of runny nose.
When I’m with noznoz, I eat much less and without recruiting any self-discipline or “will power” - I simply really don’t want to eat so much and I don't need all that food! I become full from much smaller amounts of food. I’m not sure how exactly, but NozNoz silences my food cravings in general and suppresses my appetite. The bottom line- with noznoz I eat much less.
and the Real bottom line: I lose weight!! easily! It’s working, and it’s amazing!!
…And regarding the little bit of runny nose- Frankly- I couldn’t care less! Seriously -Who cares!! I’m SKINNIER and SEXIER and I'm loving it!!! That's it!
I highly recommend noznoz!

Marina K.
With NOZNOZ I succeed losing weight without a fight and without “willpower”. You simply don't want to eat more. It’s easy!
I thought it would be hard for me to get used to the NozNoz but after a few days of gradual use I managed. I use NozNoz during lunch and dinner and when I'm with my daughter. When I'm with NozNoz, I'm just not hungry, and ice-cream with my girl - which is one of my favourite snacks - I just cease craving it, I buy only for her now … - When I am with NozNoz, I eat much less and much healthier and without any difficulty or a fight. I recommend NozNoz to the people I train and to anyone who wish to lose weight easily!

Einat M.
I lost 7gk (15.4 pounds). With NOZNOZ I eat less than half the usual amount. I just do not feel like eating
Most of the day I'm in front of the computer, working hard .. and I like good food and cheesecakes. I decided to take control over my weight: gym trainings and daily use of NozNoz so that I do not devour afterwards, do the work!! NozNoz helps me eat less and actually prefer healthy food over unhealthy- and I'm simply less hungry -Also I don't crave or even want fried foods and sweet (yes including cheesecakes) and it helps me lose weight. I recommend NozNoz to anyone who wants to lose weight easily and without medication.

Roei B.
With NOZNOZ I manage to work without snacking
For a long time I wanted to drop off those few kilos that got stacked on me. And it was hard. I almost despaired. I started to use NozNoz- I thought it worth a try!I simply put NozNoz in my nose once I got home from work. I used NozNoz from the afternoon until the night - since these are the hours when I would eat the most.
Even when I got home starving, immediately when I put NozNoz in, I was no longer hungry.
NozNoz helped me to eat less, in an orderly and healthy manner, without hunger, without temptations.
And I succeeded! I reached my goal weight in a month! It just works!
Now, I use NozNoz about a day a week when I feel like I might be out of the track of healthy eating or when I'm afraid I'll be too exposed to temptation. I highly recommend it!

Galia B
I lost 3 kg in 3 weeks! Easily, without feeling hungry and without sports. I achieved my goal.
With my hand on my heart I couldn't believe it would work - after all, what I love doesn't really have smell .. But I decided to try - why not ?? It is not pharmacological.
NozNoz really changes my cravings for food. In my opinion, it does affect the brain and not the nose at all .. I put the NozNoz in the nose and all the foods that are so hard for me to resist - I just don't care for them. I can invite friends over to my house and serve them delicious dishes and snacks, and I just don't touch anything - no struggle and no need for "willpower" - simply when I'm with NozNoz I really don't want all that food. And even at meals, I eat a lot less and feel full. I am much less hungry in general, and I really lost my crave for sweets and snacks. It’s a dream! I have recommended to my sisters and girlfriends to use NozNoz!

Shoshi M.
I lost over 10kg (22 pounds) in 3 months. With NOZNOZ I simply don’t want to eat- even if there is a croissant right in-front of me
children, and I am
constantly juggling between work and chores at home. After the births, my
self-esteem decreased so I decided to take matter into my own hand and lose
some weight. I managed to lose a few extra kilograms and.. I was stuck.. I
didn’t manage to lose anymore weight, and it was clear to me that I wanted to
lose weight in a healthy way.So I started using
NozNoz, I put NozNoz every day from 2:30 PM until I go to bad. NozNoz helps me
eat less, consume less sugar and sweets and guess what? Also keep losing
weight! What a joy!! I successfully keep losing weight in a healthy way. No
menus, no medicines, simple and easy! I highly recommend it to everyone who
wants to lose weight in a healthy way.

Natalie SH
I eat much less- and especially much less sweet foods