To clean NozNoz you can simply wash the inserts under a stream of tap water, rubbing them gently using water and mild commercial hand soap, until clean. Or you can do the following:
Insert NozNoz (R and L) into its case, add 3 drops of a commercial hand soap and fill the case with tap water.
Close the case (hear the “click”) hold it gently and shake it above the sink for 20 seconds, allowing all parts of NozNoz to be in contact with the cleaning solution.
Take out NozNoz and rinse the products under tap water while rubbing gently. Allow stream of water through the NozNoz passage and over all its surfaces and rub until clean.
Empty the case and wash it separately under tap water until clean. Verify that there is no remaining soap, nasal mucus or other dirt left on the product and the case.
You can now use NozNoz or you can put it in the case and leave open to dry.

NozNoz is currently available in two sizes: NozNoz Size S is best suited for small size nostrils.
NozNoz Size L is best suited for larger size nostrils.
Look in the below pictures and explanations to help you determine the right size for you.
The pictures show examples for different people and their size of NozNoz. It may help you determine your size.

Illustrations and explanation to help you determine your size

- Air is flowing only or almost only through the NozNoz tube
- Nose shape stays the same or only slightly changes
- NozNoz stoppers have continuous or almost continuous contact with the nostril walls. Stoppers may be straight or slightly bent.

- Air is flowing freely around the stoppers; and/or
- There are gaps between the stoppers and the nostril wall

- The shape of the nose changes significantly
- The stoppers of the NozNoz are significantly bent/squeezed
- Please pay attention that there is a chance that none of the currently available models will fit your nose.
Once NozNoz is in the nose, breathe in normally and check the following: Verify you can breathe easily with NozNoz
Air flows only, or almost only, through the NozNoz’s tube and not around the stoppers.
If air flows freely around the NozNoz’s stoppers: Try to better position NozNoz in the nostril, to obtain a snug fit and a seal between NozNoz and your nostril.
If the above doesn’t work, try to use a larger size NozNoz.
- If air still flows freely around NozNoz while using the largest size - DON’T USE NOZNOZ!
Each standard kit of NozNoz contains 2 NozNoz sets. Each set is suited for 14 days of repeated use. After 14 days you should dispose the used set and obtain a new set to continue and use the product.
You can use NozNoz daily for up to 12 consecutive hours a day, while you are awake.
No. NozNoz shall be used only while you are awake.
NozNoz reduces smelling capacity only when placed in the nose. After taking it out, you will be able to sense smell as before. NozNoz does not change the smelling sensors themselves. It doesn’t even touch them.
For most people NozNoz reduces the smelling capacity. That being said – for some people it might completely prevent smelling once in the nose, and for others it will have no affect. It depends on your personal nose.
Different people have different noses. NozNoz is currently available in 2 sizes:
- NozNoz™ Size 1 is best suited for small size nose.
- NozNoz™ Size 3 is best suited for larger size nose.
Especially for this we have created the “Fitting Kit”. If you don’t know your size we recommend you start with a Fitting Kit. Each Fitting Kit contains 1 set of NozNoz size 1- for small nostrils, and 1 set of NozNoz size 3 for larger ones. In many cases women found size 1 to be more comfortable for them and men preferred size 3, but it depends on your personal nose shape and size.
If you are having a runny nose you should cease using NozNoz until you recover.
NozNoz is made out of a soft material and is specifically designed to fit the unique anatomy of the nose. For most people NozNoz requires a short gradual adaptation period of about 1-2 weeks. Once you get used to it, you will not feel it anymore. You should follow the instructions for use provided with the package.
We will ship your order to you as soon as we can. We estimate you will receive it in about 4 business days, but sometimes it may take longer – about 2 weeks from ordering.
We will notify you regarding it: and once shipped you will receive notification with tracking number. In addition, you can always send us an e-mail with your order number to find out the status.
Yes. You can return the product to us if the package is unopened and sealed, within 14 days from receiving it, all as detailed in our return policy in the terms and conditions sections.
Also, if you choose to cancel before we packed your order this is possible as well. please check our return policy for all necessary details.
Do not Use NozNoz™ If You Have Any of the Following Conditions:
- Propensity to nose bleeds
- Known perforation in nasal septum
- Severe deviation of nasal septum
- Nasal lumps, acute nasal or sinus infection, nasal allergy or sensitivity
- Abdominal walls hernia (due to possible sneezing)
- Pregnancy